윤정미 Jeongmee Yoon 

 윤정미는 사회 현상을 날카로운 시선으로 바라보며 현대 사회의 이데올로기적 재생산과 구조에 대한 문제의식을 제기한다. 여자-핑크, 남자-블루라는 컬러 코드화를 <핑크&블루 프로젝트Ⅰ>작업을 통해 첫 선을 보였다. 성별에 따른 선호색은 결국 어른들의 사회적 관념에 의해 형성되었음을 주지시키며 젠더와 고정관념에 따른 기호와 소유 등에 대한 문제를 발견하고 현대 사회의 한 단면을 짚어 보게 한다.

 윤정미는 서울대에서 서양화를 전공, 홍익대학원에서 사진디자인을 전공했으며, 졸업 후 뉴욕 스쿨 오브 비주얼 아트 대학원에서 사진전공으로 석사학위를 받았다. 제9회 일우사진상, 홍콩의 소버린 예술재단 아시아 작가상과 제5회 다음작가상을 수상하였고, 보스톤 미술관, 국립현대 미술관 미술은행 등 국내외에 작품이 소장되어 있다.

Yoon, looking at the social phenomenon with the keen sight, raises the awareness of the problems of ideological reproduction and structure in modern society. ‘The Pink & Blue Project I’ is her first series depicting color coded stereotype: girl – pink and boy – blue. Implying the preferred color is eventually formed by adult’s social ideas, the work leads us to discover the problems with taste and possession affected by gender and stereotypes, and to take a look at an aspect of modern society.

B.1969, Korea



Graduated from Department of Photography, Video and related Media, School of Visual Arts(M.F.A.), NY, USA

Graduated from Department of Photographic Design, Hong-Ik Univ. (M.F.A), South Korea

Graduated from Department of Painting, College of Fine Arts, Seoul National University (B.F.A), South Korea



The Sovereign Asian Art Prize, HongKong


2008 One of six finalists for the Critical Mass book award, sponsored by Photolucida


International Photography Awards (IPA) - Honorable Mention
ArtKudos International Juried Art Competition & Exhibition
Selected as one of the ‘Photography Now : One hundred portfolios' (DVD)(http://www.wright.edu/photonow)
Photo Review Competition
PCNW 3rd Award, (Photographic Center Northwest, Seattle, WA, USA)
Image 06 – Nation wide photo contest, Honorable Mention
(New York American Society of Media Photographers, NY, USA)
Daum Prize (Geonhi Art Foundation, Seoul, South Korea)
Paula Rhodes Memorial Award, NY, USA
Santa Fe Center for Photography, Color Single Image, Honorable Mention, NM, USA
Photography 25, 2nd Juror's award (Juror : Kate Ware – Curator of Philadelphia Museum),
         Perkins Center for the Arts, PA, USA


1th ShinSeGae Art Festival, Seoul, South Korea


1st Sajin Bipyong, Seoul, South Korea


12th Korea Contemporary Print, Seoul, South Korea

Public collection

Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, South Korea
Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art, South Korea
The Ulrich Museum of Art at Wichita State University
Library of Congress, Washington, DC, USA
Philadelphia Museum of Art, USA
The Museum of Fine Art, Houston, USA
National Museum of Contemporary Art, Art Bank, South Korea
Geonhi Art Foundation, South Korea
White Wall Gallery, South Korea
Dell Children's Medical Center of Central Texas, USA
Johnson & Johnson Collection, NJ, USA
Ssamzie Space, South Korea
5.18 Foundation, Gwangju, Korea
Seocho Art Institute, Seoul, Korea

Solo Exhibitions

The Pink & Blue Project (Paris-Beijing Photo Gallery, Beijing, China)
The Pink & Blue Project (Bolinas Museum, CA, USA)
The Pink & Blue Project (San Francisco International Airport Museum (SFO Airport Museum), SF, CA, USA)
The Pink & Blue Project (Jenkins Johnson gallery, San Francisco, CA, USA)
The Pink & Blue Project (EM Art Gallery, Seoul, South Korea)


The Pink & Blue Project (Children's Museum of the Arts, NY, USA)
The Pink & Blue Project (Jenkins Johnson Gallery, New York, USA)
The Pink & Blue Project (La Caja Blanca Gallery, Spain)


5th Daum Prize Solo Show - The Pink & Blue Project (Kumho Museum, Seoul, South Korea)
-Supported by Geonhi Art Foundation


Natural History Museum (Gallery Boda, Seoul, South Korea)
-NokUmBangChoBunKiTaengChon Solo Invited Exhibition


Zoo II (Time Photo Space, South Korea)


Zoo (Gallery Boda, Seoul, South Korea)