고명근 Koh Myung Keun
90년대 초반, 사진과 조각을 결합한 조형물을 한국 최초로 시도한 “사진조각”의 선구자로 불린다. 투명한 방탄 필름에 자신이 직접 촬영한 사진을
인화하고 여러 겹의 필름들을 겹쳐 이를 입체화 시키는 현실과 가상의 공간을 넘나드는 조형물을 만든다. 빌 게이트가 그의 작품을 소장한 것으로도 미국에서 잘 알려져 있다. 국립현대미술관, 서울시립 미술관, 일민 미술관, 한미 미술관, 마이크로 소프트 컬렉션, 대한상공회의소 등에 작품이 소장되어 있다.
He majored in sculpture and photography at Seoul National University and the fine art in the Pratt Institute in New York.
He is a pioneer who created a new material for his sculpture using photo printed acrylic film since 90’s.
His transparent 3-dimensional sculpture work is made by layering several printed images that he photographed by himself.
Bill Gates, many art lovers and museums around the world have collected his works. Korea National Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul City Museum, Ilmin Museum, Hanmi Museum, Microsoft Collection, Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
B.1964, Korea.
MFA Department of Fine Arts, Pratt Institute, New York, US
BFA Department of Sculpture, Seoul National University College of Fine Arts, Seoul, KR
Selected Awards
2th Moran Art Prize
Public Collections
Korea National Museum of Contemporary Art
Seoul City Museum
Ilmin Museum
Hanmi Museum
Microsoft Collection
Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Selected Solo Exhbitions
Transparent Space, Walking in Between, Savina Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul, KR
Space of Contemplation, Museum Hanmi MoPS, Seoul, KR
A blending space, Tokyo Gallery, Tokyo, JPN
Space Illusion, Gallery Sun Contemporary, Seoul, KR
DOUBLE VISION, Louis Vuitton, Taipei, TW
Transparent Container Ⅱ, Leeahn Gallery, Daegu, KR
Building-Body-Nature, KimChongYung Museum, Seoul, KR
Windows on Nature, Frey Norris Gallery, San Francisco, US
Transparent Container, Leeahn Gallery, Daegu, KR
Buuildings, O.K Harris Gallery, New York, US
Koh Myung Keun Solo Exhibition, Tokyo Gallery, Tokyo, JPN
Transparent Sensibility, The Museum of Photography, Seoul, KR
Reproduction&Restoration, Hakgojae Gallery&ArtSpaceSeoul, Seoul, KR
Picture, collage, sculpture, Kumho Museum of Art, Seoul, KR
Sculptured Photo-Collage, Higgins Hall Gallery, New York, US