팀파르치코브 Tim Parchikov

  팀 파르치코브는 러시아의 신 세대를 대표하는 작가로, 2013년 Best Young Artist 로 칸딘스키 상을 수상하였다. 그는 러시아 국립 대학에서 영화를 전공하고, 독립 아티스트, 촬영 및 영화 감독으로 활발히 활동하고 있다. 주로 모스크바와 파리를 오가며 활동하며 영국, 스페인 등 유럽 주요 국가와 이스탄불, 중국으로까지 전시가 이어져 세계적인 주목을 받고 있다. 2011년에 열린 54회 베니스 비엔날레에서는 칸디다 회퍼, 난 골딘 등의 세계적인 대가 들과 나란히 Fondacione Cini 에서 열린 Real Venice 전에 참여한 바 있다.  2014년, 파리 퐁피두 미술관에서 열린 그룹 전에도 참여했다. 한국에서는 2018년 대구사진 비엔날레에 초청을 받았다.

Drawing on his background as a filmmaker, photographer and video artist Tim Parchikov captures solitary figures, as well as urban and rural landscapes, in luminous color, light, and deep shadow. Each of his series forms a narrative, often with a human subject at the center; Parchikov displays his work in combination with music and video in site-specific installations in order to create an immersive experience akin to cinema. Deeply influenced by the use of chiaroscuro in both film noir and classical Italian painting, his images have a frozen cinematic quality, perhaps best illustrated in his most famous series “Venice” (2007). A conceptual artist at heart, Parchikov omnivorously scours contemporary culture for subject matter, working with human subjects and semi-abstracted objects and spaces interchangeably. Parchikov is a representative artist of Russia and received the Kandinsky Prize for best young artist in 2013.  Parchikov has also participated in a group exhibition at the Center Georges-Pompidou, Paris and the artist was invited to the Daegu photo biennale, Korea in 2018.

B.1983, Russia



Graduate Film School, Moscow


Russian State University of Cinematography, Moscow


2013  Kandinskiy Prize – Best young artist.

Solo Exhibitions


"Another Reality", Orekhov gallery, Moscow

“East Side Stories”, (Tim Parchikov, Guillaume de Sardes), Odile Ouizeman gallery, Paris


“Burning News & Unreal Venice” , Gallery K.O.N.G., Seoul, South KOREA

“Barriers of Vision”, Juana de Aizpuru Gallery, Madrid


"Farms of Hephaestus", Multimedia Art Museum, Moscow


"Evidential Paradigm", Marina Gisich Gallery, Saint Petersburg

"Suspense", Lianzhou Foto festival, China


“Dead Time”, Pechersky gallery, Moscow

Features of Intuition", Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Moscow

"Suspense", Centro Niemeyer, Avilés


“Dead Sea”, Juana de Aizpuru Gallery, Madrid            

“The Foundation Pit”, Marina Gisich gallery, Saint Petersburg

"Suspense", Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris

“Fast-Moving Tides”, Priska Pasquer Gallery, Cologne

"Times New Roman. Episode III: Moscow", Thessaloniki Photo Biennale


"Suspense", DA2 Museum, Salamanca

"Times New Roman. Episode III: Moscow", La Galleria Parmeggiani, Reggio Emilia

"Times New Roman. Episode III: Moscow", Glaz Gallery, Moscow


"Color Matrix. Unreal Venice". Glaz Gallery, Moscow

"Suspense", Juana de Aizpuru Gallery, Madrid


"Mudflats", Krasnoyarsk Museum Biennale, Krasnoyarsk

"Suspense", Museo di Roma in Trastevere, Rome

"Suspense", Centro Andaluz de la Fotografia, Almeria

"Peripheral Vision", Le Gallerie Fotografiche Fnac, Turin

"Suspense", Triumph Gallery, Moscow


"Suspense", Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Moscow


"Peripheral Vision", Glaz Gallery, Moscow

"Association", “Fashion and style in photography” festival, Central Exhibition Hall Manege, Moscow


"Europe. Stop.", "Pingyao International Photography Festival", Pingyao, China

"Plastification", Glaz Gallery, Moscow


"The Suitcase”,The State Architecture Museum, Moscow